Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930
Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930

Antique to Vintage French Oil Painting in Expressionist Era Manner, Frame, c.1920-1930

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Expressionist movement, c.1920-30s, seems a bit modern for us, but how could I pass this one by, art historian that I am?  Reminiscent of the German Expressionists, such as those of the "Die Brucke" movement, particularly the works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, this vibrant interior portrait is unsigned, you can definitely see the influence. The painting is done in oil on a thick card drawing board (see images of back), and is framed in a simple but nice antique frame which has multiple layers of paint and just seems to become part of the painting. Wonderful composition and the palette the artist sued is just perfect. French Expressionists would include Lautrec, Modigliani, Van Gogh, Gaugin.  Sure, you see the visual reference. I found this wonderful painting in France.

Very good to excellent condition for age and type. The surface of the old oil painting is rich in color and stroke of the brush. Nicely preserved, I find only 2 imperfections notable and I've put a white "x" over those in upper left corner area on at least one photo for your review. One is a scrape and the other is actually a small hole in the card (disappears under the frame for the most part). Frame is perfect for the painting, thickly painted, it contains the composition beautifully. Both are at or nearing 100 years of age.