I'm always drawn the these 'little prayer of thanksgiving' paintings, a French traditional still life, or 'nature morte' as they're known there, which is the humble gratitude for the bounty of nature which will become the meal that day. Typically painted on board, beveled at the back, and hung without a frame. You'd find them in a small kitchen, or more humbler situations. The bird hangs with a blue string - these are not quite tromp l'oeil but have a realistic feel and typically is game hanging on a nail, or lying on a prep table with vegetables or fruits, sometimes crockery or pans - prep for the meal. It is not a 'hunting' painting. This one has been put into a more modern frame which is not original to it but we'll leave it as it is. Full measurements noted on the photos.
Very good to excellent condition throughout, age and type considered. It is probably early 1900s, and it is in the manner of Impressionist, though not the timeframe, and might be considered post-Impressionist art. Found in France. These Nature paintings display very well alongside Black Forest carved sculptures, Animalier era.