Showing the Hippocrates French mark used from c.1838 to present, this jeweled 18k gold watch with a goldsmith's mark JM (see images) this is the type watch a gentleman may have worn, but more likely a lady, on long chain and tucked into her belt (see final images for example). I've owned this one for decades, always intending to have a watchmaker look it over. I do not have a watch key to try the mechanism, so there it's remianed with a few others in a jewelry box. I don't find "Bouelle" as a maker - and it translates to "porridge" so I'm unsure if it's helpful at all. Such a beauty! Time to let things go.
Beautiful old thing, elegantly crafted and fully engraved in florals and a patterning on the front cover, with the watch face worn toward the body. I've shown the interior of the watch works, in case it helps you, but again, I do not have a watch key to fit and I am not positive it is working. I used to sell a lot of beautiful old French and Russian enamel on 18k gold watches, and this and a couple others remain now, and will be sold off separately. The group image shows the others, if you'd like to search them out in our shop. Sold separately. No watch key to fit it. Crystal is perfect, a favorite and has been worn just as a pendant, as you see it in the group photo, but the watch is sold alone, not offered with chain nor box.