Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau
Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau

Superb Antique Pocket Watch Fob and Chain, Tests 12k to 16k, and weighs 24 grams, with Seal, Sceau

Regular price $1,095.00
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One of my favorite ever pocket watch chains, antique Victorian era finery, it's an interesting mix of karat gold, mostly 14k (which may well be 15k) but the slide tests 16k, as does the charm and sceau or seal. The only piece that tests lower is the cross bar which tests at 12k.  It is a beauty, and interesting for the variations in chain. Is that a flour d'lys charm? I don't see marks on it. I'd say Victorian to Edwardian era. Full measurements are noted on the photos. Box and watch shown are not included - just photo props.

Very good to excellent condition throughout, and really such a beautiful piece. I recently pulled out a small crate with some antique watches and had forgotten I even owned this chain. I think I found it in England, but it's been a long time back.