Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior
Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior

Superb French Victorian Era Needlepoint Tapestry in Frame, 2 Girls, Interior

Regular price $995.00 Sale price $895.50
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This is one of my favorites, I think - well, next to one with a child and pony with which I have not yet decided I can part, and one with a cat which I just listed (separate sale). The very very fine single stitches in this tapestry are closer to petitpoint than to grospoint needlepoint and must have taken years to complete. The needlepoint panel is 26" x 19.5" and in frame, ready to hang it is 28,5" x 22" with a 1" depth. Just look at how fine this one is. Much more difficult than to have just done a painting, this is entirely in silk and wool yarns, a single tiny stitch at a time, stunning in beauty and a masterpiece of need arts. Remember women were discouraged from schooling even into the Victorian era and so these "women's art" pieces stand for the learning and training a gentile young lady would have been afforded, and are therefore all the more precious. The two young girls in this one and the interior that houses them is so wonderful! Balance of composition is very fine in this one. It might be done after a fine painting (a copy made after, that is, or to look like). I believe this one is French or English in origin, but it could be any number of countries in Europe, early to mid-1800s, all of whom practiced such needle arts. The frame is in nice condition and houses this old treasure well. We'll leave the cover glass on but will fully tape it for safe shipment, unless our buyer wishes to have it removed to ship more safely. Leaving that up to our buyer.

Very good to excellent throughout, for age and type. The needlework is superbly crafted, and is without holes or losses to moths except perhaps in a tiny stitch I have not seen. Look it over well. It is so elaborate and large and precious, isn't it. The cat is so realistic, one half expects that tail to wag. Frame is wood, ebony (or ebony finish) and shining, and has a gold filet that really sets off the needlework, don't you agree? There is one small 1" place top right that has had a little restoration. Not really distracting and we couldn't get it to show in our photos, but I want you to know there is that one small flaw, repaired. Know that we will pack with greatest care in order to make sure it arrives just the same. Every home should have a fine piece of women's art such as this, don't you agree? Or a wall full of them, even better!