Superb large c. 1895-1901 French fan in original box, white ostric feathers on blond tortoise shell monture with 18k on silver (vermeil) monogram crested by a crown of a Countess. The full open measurement is 72 cm (28") 43 cm height at center, and guards are 24 cm long (11.5") by 3 cm widest at top (1 1/8" widest. Label inside box (translated from French): "Maison (house) founded in 1852 BRASSEUR, maker of fans and boxes, 33, Rue des Petites Ecuries . 33. PARIS". Quoting my friend and fan expert: "Brasseur is a well known name in the fan making business. There was in Meru (Oise) a "Brasseur aîné" maker of 'montures' from the 1830's to the 1850's. A Brasseur was "successeur d'Ardiet" in Paris from the 1850's to the 1880's, at 23 rue Richer in Paris. From 1883 to 1895 we find them at 34, rue des Petites Ecuries ; untill 1904 it seems they move in the same street to n°s 33 or 24. From 1905 to 1908 the address is 44 rue d'Enghien. At the end Brasseur merges with the Maison Templier 9 Bd Saint Denis." The thick hand-crafted box is 48 cm x 16 cm, original tissue and label inside. A bespoke fan and box, each with the same monogram M G and crown of a Countess. The blond tortoise shell was the most expensive of the fans, of course, being more rare. Full measurements noted on the photos.
Very good to excellent condition for age and type - that very rare feather fan that has survived fully intact. The elegant blond shell guards (2) and sticks (16) are without damage. The ring has small diamond-look gems, but they do not look faceted and might be replacement - not sure - if original they would be the old French paste gems. Even the old original heavy card and paper box is in very good condition - a little paper loss at corners, but the self-hinge back holds firm and it has original tissue, as well. My final photo shows it on my large sofa, just to help one envision how truly huge it is, and that it does open to the full Demi-lune.
IMPORTANT NOTE regarding antique tortoise shell or ivory: We are great supporters of protection for endangered species in our modern world. We never buy or sell anything 100 years or newer; we donate to anti-poaching organizations; we don't hunt; we conserve in ways that impact global warming (we're totally solar at home), knowing those measures also protect the animals in the wild today. We also recognize the vast cultural history we preserve with our care and reverence for these antique objects, and agree with CITES that objects over 100 years of age have nothing whatsoever to do with species depletion in our current world.
Our offering exceeds the age limitation of "more than 100 years of age", and is well within the exemption for CITES regulation. If imported, met the CITES regulation. This item will be handled and shipped from our Utah business, and is not available for shipment internationally, nor within the USA to California, NY, Nevada, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington if it contains ivory, sorry. Please see our small print for more details.